Friday, 14 October 2016
  1 Replies
  3.4K Visits
First I just want to say I'm an F/X junkie. I purchased I think in like June, and I can't get enough. I keep taking on more work because I'm getting so much faster.
It's like gaming, I'm up late at night, loosing track of time, and just spending spare time new blocks and adding them into my F/X blocks for everything I love it. Of course this is causing me to want to automate every possible thing I do on a project, so this has just come up, and it's really minor, I'm just asking out of curiosity.

I am working 2 irrigation projects, that have 3 & 4 wtr meters and controllers. Right now I am putting them in separate work areas, and treating each p.o.c. as separate site, but there are some areas where the mainline and valves of each run along side each other.

Is it possible to add an additional attribute definition to the valve call outs (in addition to the 2 optional -PSI & Valve Type). I would like to add a controller I.D. attribute to the valve callout instead of trying to keep track of it while labeling them. I have been adding a controller letter in front of the valve # when doing the callout, but thought it would be cool if I could tie a controller and ID to the source and mainline it goes with, and when calling out the valves, the valve would automatically reference the controller ID with the valve number that is assigned.

Also, bear with me... I created a user block for equipment call outs, and 2 attributes identifying the equipment, and attached the block to a leader, but is there a feature in f/x for this that I just couldn't find? I do have a detail callout on the equipment (quick couplers, flow sensors, weather sensors), but sometimes I like to label as well.

Okay, I know that's long winded, i'm done. thank you.

Typically valves are numbered with a single character indicating their Controller assignment. As in valves A00 - A99 for Controller A, B00 - B99 for B, and so on.
Land F/X assumes this, in terms of both valve numbering, as well as assigning valves to controllers for the Runtime Schedule.

We are in the process of upgrading the valve callouts, to make it easier to add additional attributes, however. We have had requests to add everything from hydrozone to irrigation method to square foot of area served. The upgraded callouts will make that easier, and have several turn-key options.

Regarding your equipment callout, you are welcome to send in an example of it. Our callout functions are actually quite modular and extensible, and are quite easy to create custom macros to place custom blocks. It's just not something that comes up very often.

Glad you're having fun with it!

7 years ago
thanks for quick response. I attached the block I have been using as an equipment label to attached to a leader.
It works and I have no issues, I think the process of learning and creating different ways of doing things in cad, f/x
is what I find really fun. Not urgent, but any feedback but be welcome.
7 years ago
thanks for quick response. I attached the block I have been using as an equipment label to attached to a leader.
It works and I have no issues, I think the process of learning and creating different ways of doing things in cad, f/x
is what I find really fun. Not urgent, but any feedback but be welcome.
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