Wednesday, 27 January 2016
  4 Replies
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I have created many of our standard details in our custom library. I have used the template 1"=1' and nearly all of the details are drawn Not to Scale.
When I create a detail sheet for a project I will some times need to show 6 details and sometimes 8...the number varies. so in order to fit 8 details in a given space the size of the details will need to be slightly smaller than if I only needed to insert 6 details. I have changed the size of the inserted detail by changing values in the properties tab in AutoCAD. so I might make the x scale, y scale and z scale be 0.8 and they fit and all match in size. not sure if this is the correct way to deal with the situation, but it works until...
I edit the detail and overwrite the block in another drawing...the 0.8 size detail opens up back in the 1.0 size. If no edit occurs the detail remains at the 0.8 size.
So even though the block is appears to still be linked to the one in the Landfx detail location.

what is the best way for 8 details to be placed in the same space as 6 details might normally take?
Hi Nancy,

I strongly recommend that you always keep your details the same size on your page and not manually scale them.

Scaling a detail down in order to fit another 2 details on the page would also shrink the text size in those details down, making it harder to read. It's basically overriding all of the benefits that the auto-scaling detail text, leader and dimension tools provide. They are there to ensure the text size is consistent across all pages and is legible.

This is why the program does not support manual scaling of details and why they're re-scaling on you when you reload them.

Going down the road of having two sizes of details, you would have to create 2 preference sets for the 2 possible sizes, then 2 of each detail at each of the sizes so the text remains at an appropriate size and basically build this capability into your installation. However, that is completely not recommended. It's double the work, a bit confusing and very prone to error.

The best option would be to not change anything and use 2 detail pages, or work out a way to fit the extra 2 details on your layout or planting plans.

Another option, if you feel that it would really benefit your plans to the ability to have 8 detail spaces on a page is to change your detail preferences to that smaller size permanently and re-save your details at the new template size. You'd then simply have 2 empty spaces on a detail page with only 6 details, which is also a very standard way of doing things.

Make sure to discuss this with your office to decide which of the two recommended options above is the best route to take for your needs.

Here is a link to one of our Documentation pages that outlines how to edit your detail template sizes permanently in your preferences.

Customizing Detail Templates:

8 years ago
Thanks Amanda.
when I did the scaling in the past I would scale all the blocks to be the same reduction so the text size would still match. I guess in our office we often have projects that are small enough where adding an extra sheet for details doesn't make sense and the plan sheets don't have the extra room to accommodate more details. We call our detail sheet "Landscape Notes and Details" so we have a block of text that fits on that sheet with our Landscape Notes.
I completely understand, Nancy. I've been faced with the small project dilemma of trying to avoid creating the 2nd page of details, too, typically to avoid a larger drawing package and additional printing costs.

It sounds like the second option, reconsidering your default detail template size, is the path you should focus on.

At some point, you're going to need to make a second detail page. You'll need to decide what your maximum amount of details per page is and stick with it. Think of it as your line in the sand. Is that line 6 details per page? 8 details? 10? 12? Decide at what point scaling down a detail would be considered "to small" to read or fit the information, draw the line in the sand and move forward with that as your new standard size. It sounds like 8 is your limit.

Then leave them at that size. You wouldn't need scale them up bigger, just like you probably don't scale up just 2 details on a page to fill the whole page. White space is ok.

8 years ago
Thanks Amanda. You have been very helpful.
I'll check out the link you sent in your initial response and get input from the people I work with on where our line in the sand will be
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