Monday, 27 November 2017
  2 Replies
  2K Visits
I know that there's been talk of this for a while but am hoping that it will be ready for our next large campus project. The site plan is being developed now so we're talking within the month work will start and we'll need it before our first submittal (Maybe late February).
The valve schedule comes really close, but still won't provide the area. Please give us the area and allow us to add the hydro-zone for each valve so that they will show up in the valve schedule.
Yes the Valve Schedule will have Area by late February.

Great! Any chance for allowing user inputting a plant factor (VL,L,M,H) for the valve? Maybe an A,W,D,S keyboard selection or such?

Giv'm in inch and they ask for a yard. Or for the rest of the world... Giv'm a centimeter and they ask for a meter. Do you hate me?

And it's November and I still haven't bugged you for the linking of the detail file in the project preferences yet. Heads up. .... Now you hate me.

But I still LOVE you!
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