Friday, 12 July 2019
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Great presentation today. I wanted to access some of the commands that you showed. I went to the website and downloaded the current menus but the 2107 menu has not been updates since 5/30/2018. It doesn't appear to have that General tab. Superjoin appears to work from the command line, but how many other commands are available that I don't know about? Do we have to wait to go to 2019 or so to get that new ribbon?

Ah, darnit, I'm so sorry, I should have mentioned this in the webinar.

The latest ribbons were finalized first for the F/X CAD 2020 release, and so were part of the 15.60 release on June 28.

Starting on July 1, we began getting those changes migrated down to the previous versions.

So long story short, only AutoCAD/FXCAD 2020 users get access to the latest menus for the month of July.  For the 15.70 release on July 26, we will have those same updates available for CAD versions 2016-2019.

We are already planning on having this a bit more regimented going forward, we just weren't sure what was going to be necessary to meet the double requirements of 2020 needing both Hi-DPI icons as well as a Blue hue theme.  But in the future, we should be able to codify an end of July release for updated Ribbons.



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