Monday, 16 October 2017
  3 Replies
  2.2K Visits
Hi Community,

Has anyone noticed that the verifying command is not noticing laterals crossing mainlines without jump lines?
6 years ago
Accepted Answer
This is actually done on purpose. Laterals do not interfere with anything regarding mainline so there is no need to hop across these areas. Most importantly because the line weights are going to be your clearest indication that the pipes are at different levels and therefore functioning differently when looking at the plan. You are more than welcome in these places to use our Mainline Break tool to clear out sections of mainline so it is clearer.
It doesn't check for those, as the differing lineweights makes it more obvious they are not possibly on the same circuit.

6 years ago
Accepted Answer
This is actually done on purpose. Laterals do not interfere with anything regarding mainline so there is no need to hop across these areas. Most importantly because the line weights are going to be your clearest indication that the pipes are at different levels and therefore functioning differently when looking at the plan. You are more than welcome in these places to use our Mainline Break tool to clear out sections of mainline so it is clearer.
As added to the wish list:
I'd like the irrigation verify to recognize lateral and mainline pipe crossings, just as it does lateral crossings. In recognition that some may not want to show a jump line at these locations (rather depending on the various line types or line weight to do this) the program should perform the command just as the verify plant labels command works. The verify labels does not let the user know that trees are not labeled if the user has not labeled any trees. But as soon as the user tags a single tree, the program will include trees in the label verification process. Likewise, if the user uses a single pipe hop to address a lateral and mainline conflict, the program should assume that the user would like all conflicts to be treated the same.
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