Tuesday, 11 April 2017
  3 Replies
  2.7K Visits
A while back I saw either a hot tip or webinar about how to automate the use of standard notes. I've gone to the archives but can't find it. Does anyone remember it and if so will you direct me to the link?
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
This might not be what you're looking for, but it's a good notes organization tip nonetheless: https://www.landfx.com/videos/powertips/item/3545-power-tip-creating-general-notes-using-refnotes.html

If this is not what you're after, I hope somebody else will chime in, because I wanna learn some cool new stuff!!!
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
This might not be what you're looking for, but it's a good notes organization tip nonetheless: https://www.landfx.com/videos/powertips/item/3545-power-tip-creating-general-notes-using-refnotes.html

If this is not what you're after, I hope somebody else will chime in, because I wanna learn some cool new stuff!!!
Here's my method for making standard/general notes:

I generate a valve schedule in paper space (or a second one, if needed), explode it, and edit. Because of the block thingy it used to be, it won't allow spaces in the title area (i.e. "General Notes"), so I just call them "Notes."

I'll then WBLOCK it and xref it back in, since these notes will often go on several plan sheets. Its so much easier to edit the xref, instead of multiple copies of the same notes.

I find this method fairly easy and quick, and it keeps that uniform look between all the various schedules and ref note tables.
You're right about different projects having different notes. Thus: "save-as."

This is a fun community for sure. I'm in Seattle, and am just a one-person office. And yes, I'll be at the ASIC conference in couple weeks (looking at you, Jeremiah and Krystal!).
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