Thursday, 29 June 2017
  7 Replies
  2.4K Visits
In General Preferences the texts styles are grayed out, our detail library folder is grayed out and more.I think this is a preferences>management issue (permissions issue).Preference . So I Set us all at Admin to see if that would work. It didn't. So I switched all preferences to " Read/Write" and this worked. But we don't want "Preferences can be modified by all users." Is this something that you wizards can fix?
Accepted Answer
I'm not able to replicate that behavior, that is all working for me.
Note that the Preferences will be locked if the preferences *or* the project is set to read-only. So that could be what you are seeing -- try going to a blank drawing and see if you are able to edit the Preferences there.

Accepted Answer
I'm not able to replicate that behavior, that is all working for me.
Note that the Preferences will be locked if the preferences *or* the project is set to read-only. So that could be what you are seeing -- try going to a blank drawing and see if you are able to edit the Preferences there.

When we edit a detail we can't overwrite the existing detail since "This file is opened in read-only and cannot be saved." I noticed that while in the detail editing mode the Preference set defaults to the first in the list (Alphanumeric). We have one called ))_Do Not Use. This preference set is set to read/write.

I can edit and save the drawing if not opened using the LandFX edit detail from the paper drawing after inserted. And the update details works once I do so. It jsut wont work if I use the "Edit Detail" command.

This is not paper sheet or drawing specific.

How can this conundrum be solved?

(See you Friday?)
The key is to see what Project is opened when you load that detail. That will dictate whether the detail can be saved over itself. So after opening the detail, just go to the Project Manager screen to see what project is assumed the "owner" of that detail, and what is permissions are set to.
One interesting note, however -- there should be no difference between using the Edit Detail button and opening the detail manually. This would actually point to the other instance of that message -- when the file is already open, it is opened read-only by AutoCAD.

Wow. That's convoluted but makes sense. Can something be convoluted and make sense? Too bad the details can't somehow be generic and assume the permissions of the project that they are inserted in. LandFX is very intuitive, but if you didn't explain this to me I would have never have guessed how to solve the issue.

Okay. Now that we've got that solved.I had to edit the detail template and couldn't do it so I performed a Saveas and then replaced our detail template. But when we open the template from LandFX it opens up an old detail template. How do I create a new xml to go with the new detail?
Never mind. I erased everything form the one that LandFX was calling the template and I copied the new (modified) detail template information into it and saved it. It worked. We now have an updated template.

I have a question. Since he details are tied to a project rather than a preference, what happens if that project is deleted or archived? I've created a new project called details for creating details in, but that seems weird (but apparently necessary).
So what happens is, when opening a detail, the system attempts to determine which project "owns" the detail. This is for the ease of detail callouts, but obviously other features as well. So while yes, a certain preference set was active when the original template was placed, the fact that the detail is a member of a project is a more recent indication of the desired set of preferences. So the system will check the folder the detail is saved within, to see if that is associated with a project. Failing that, it will look in the database, to see if the detail has been added to any projects, sorting the list by the alphabetically highest project number. Only after failing all of that, would it resort to the alphabetically first preference set.

Ah. Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.
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