By David Fonseca on Wednesday, 03 August 2016
Posted in Planting
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I have areas where I am using succulents over gravel mulch. I would like to show in the callouts both the number of plants, and the area of gravel.

Is it possible?
Hi David,

As of right now, refnote callouts do not give the option to show quantity in a particular area. That is, however, on our wishlist of a feature to add in the near future. I would normally put gravel mulch in refnotes.

You can accomplish this with a few different workarounds for now.

1. Place the plant callout for the number of succulent plants, and then add a text object using the Land F/X text and selecting the plant callout text style, and manually write in the square area.

2. Create a gravel mulch plant groundcover and place it in the same area as your succulent hatch. You can do this by adding a plant and then changing the botanical and common names. If you don't enter a spacing, the quantity in the label will show area.

If your area of succulents is actually a mix of succulents using the concept groundcovers, the ability to show quantity for each plant in a concept plant mix callout is also on the wishlist to be added as a feature.

- Amanda
7 years ago
0 Votes
To piggy back onto Amanda's workaround #1:

Once each callout and additional text object is placed through the plan, use the edit info tool to edit that specific hatch. Remove the plant spacing and press OK. This will convert all your callouts from QTY to AREA. Use these numbers as a reference to quickly fill out the text objects next to each callout. Once complete, edit that plant again and put the spacing back so the callouts return to showing QTY.
7 years ago
0 Votes
Thanks for the answers... I see how to pull out both workarounds, but they are not very practical as I have a huge project with hundreds of different succulent patches.

Related to this I have two other questions:

1 - when I don't input the spacing, the area will show in the callouts, with "m2" after the value. I would like to have "nr" showing after the number of plants when i imput the spacing, as to avoid confusion. If only a number is showing, some might think it is area.

2 - Is there documentation on the callout block creation? How are the attributes in the callout block connected to landFX, and what kind of values can be shown in a callout?

- regarding this last question i saw this page and this video , and i became confuse, as in the video QTY and CODE are used, but in the documentation ### and GEN_SPE are the proposed tags.
7 years ago
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Hi David,

Here's the page on how to actually save a plant callout. You could put the "nr" right in there, but be aware that it would show up on area plant callouts as well.
Create New Plant Label Style:

I understand that the recommendations above are not great long term solutions. As mentioned, adding the capability to show quantity on a refnote callout is a high priority item on the wish list. Based on the current schedule of high priority improvements, it probably won't be available until 2017.

Thank you for pointing out some of the inconsistencies on that attribute page and the power tip video.

The old tags for plant callouts were ### and CODE. This was revamped for codes more friendly to stringing together attributes, and changed to QTY and GEN-SPE or GS. SIZE also changed to FIELD1 (because we made FIELD2, 3, etc available). They will all still work so that older user's old plans and preferences still work. We'll get to updating that page to reflect this, and I'll put the power tip video on the slate to be re-shot since it was shot during the transition between the two callout styles.

I hope that clears up your confusion.

7 years ago
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