By Tom Lang on Thursday, 31 August 2017
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NUKE kept crashing AutoCad, so I did what I usually do: run AUDIT first to see if that was the problem. It was. Over 100K errors fixed. Thought I'd share.

Can anyone glean from the attached screenshot what might have caused this?

Oh, and NUKE worked fine afterwards.

From a partial screenshot? Is this some sort of name-that-tune challenge? Identify the celebrity from a close-up of their nose?

As for the causes of the Audit Bad Layer message, one prominent cause is by manually placing objects on the DEFPOINTS layer, at least according to this post.
It seems the eNotThatKindOfClass message is due to proxy objects, particularly from older versions of Land Desktop.
But this is all just a guess, and just regarding the last 6 audit errors there. Without the proxy information display, without the drawing, without the other 112,354 errors, I can't really offer anything substantial.

As for Nuke -- the first thing it does, after saving the file, is to run an Audit. In this case, it seems that strangely the file was able to be opened, but not saved. Note that when Nuke does fail, opening the file via the RECOVER command ensures that the Audit process happens first.

6 years ago
1 Votes
Thanks, J. From what I remember, most of the errors were the eNotThatKindOfClass .

First time I saw this. It's sort of like finding a drawing where over 50K REGAPPS get deleted.
6 years ago
0 Votes
Might be worth mentioning to your Autodesk Reseller to see if they have any ideas.

6 years ago
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