Monday, 20 September 2021
  3 Replies
  1.7K Visits
When we get the attached error message, could the system highlight the pipe in question? Hard to track down on big systems.

2 years ago
Accepted Answer
There is not much the system would be able to do since you are limiting the pipe sizes, and then sizing that zone with a flow that exceeds what will work through those available sizes. When you say NO to that message, you can press F2 to pull up the command list, where it will show you what valve it stopped on.
From there you should be able to make the design decision on making smaller zones or including bigger pipe sizes in your available pipe size list from Pipe Data.

If we are missing something, feel free to send in the plan and we are happy to discuss further.
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
There is not much the system would be able to do since you are limiting the pipe sizes, and then sizing that zone with a flow that exceeds what will work through those available sizes. When you say NO to that message, you can press F2 to pull up the command list, where it will show you what valve it stopped on.
From there you should be able to make the design decision on making smaller zones or including bigger pipe sizes in your available pipe size list from Pipe Data.

If we are missing something, feel free to send in the plan and we are happy to discuss further.
Tom Lang selected the reply #4317 as the answer for this post — 2 years ago
The F2 trick does what I was hoping for--narrowing down the area in question. Thanks!
That's perfect! Thank you Jake. We sometimes have that same issue, but now we can determine the location swiftly and split the problem zone up without increasing the whole mainline. The way that we've been doing it in the past is by running the critical analysis. It tells us the worst case valve that way too. But that's an extra step that isn't necessary if we just F2 it.
Thanks for asking the question Tom.:)
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