Thursday, 08 February 2024
  5 Replies
  2.1K Visits
So increment valve is not working for me (see attachment). I needed to add an additional valve, unfortunately the valve is somewhere in the middle of the group. When i try an reuse an existing valve number (2-16) Landfx provides me w/ an available number (2-2-16) and this is what's placed in the valve callout, am i doing something wrong- i have increment other valves checked mark?

"This city should not exist — it is a monument to man's arrogance." - Peggy Hill

Accepted Answer
Unfortunately no, nothing that would leave things in a future automation workable state with the callout tools and schedules. We are looking into what it would take to allow numbers there, but with all other logic that needs to happen, this is just not allowed. You can use steps in the following link to mass make changes to what you have, but don't expect that the renumbering will work if you keep that first number there. I guess you could revert numbers back into a controller letter to make changes, then change back.

Change or Remove Controller Identifiers Associated with Valve Callouts

We work for agencies that number their controllers too. And it is weird that we can't use numbers for controllers.
So rather than POC "1", Controller "1", we end up with POC "1", but Controller "A".
In the description for controller "A" in the schedule. we state the controller ID such as "Controller No. 203 (or whatever the agency asks us to use.
And for the description for POC we include the meter address.
But on the plans if we have three controllers they are shown as A, B & C.
The POC's are 1, 2 & 3. No matter if they are meters, connections to existing systems or from a sump, lake or cistern.
The agencies that we work for, or in, have accepted this method.

Good luck Miguel.
Miguel Escobar selected the reply #5542 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
1 year ago
Your trick about reverting back to a letter worked...Thanks

"This city should not exist — it is a monument to man's arrogance." - Peggy Hill

Accepted Answer
Unfortunately no, nothing that would leave things in a future automation workable state with the callout tools and schedules. We are looking into what it would take to allow numbers there, but with all other logic that needs to happen, this is just not allowed. You can use steps in the following link to mass make changes to what you have, but don't expect that the renumbering will work if you keep that first number there. I guess you could revert numbers back into a controller letter to make changes, then change back.

Change or Remove Controller Identifiers Associated with Valve Callouts
1 year ago
Thanks Jake. Any idea what would be a quick fix, unfortunately a number before the valve number is the clients (Municipality ) standard.

"This city should not exist — it is a monument to man's arrogance." - Peggy Hill

The reason this is happening is because you are improperly assigning the controller attribute. This needs to be a letter, as the system doesn’t allow for a controller to be a number.

You can see more on proper setup in the links below.

Valve callouts power tip

Valve callouts and renumbering valves

If you have further questions we are happy to help.
Miguel Escobar set the type of the post as  Issue — 1 year ago
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