Tuesday, 17 August 2021
  3 Replies
  1.1K Visits
Is there a way to have the "Show Empty Categories" in the Detail Explorer NOT checked by default? It resets to being enabled everytime I open Detail Explorer. I saw in another post that someone didn't realize that their were other categories in his detail list until he checked that box. I'd like to hide all the empty categories by default.

A long the same line of thinking is another feature request: The ability to hide built-in LandFX categories such F/X Detail Library and STANDARD DETAILS. While there are plenty of great details in those categories, our office does not use them.


Yeah, having that checkbox default to its last state would be very easy. I'll get to that asap.

The request to hide the FX details makes me a little sad. The hope is that the details we add in there are useful, taking up only the single division of FX. We have plans to add many more in there over time, so it'd be unfortunate to take it away.

And as for the Standard details, that's an easy one. In Detail Preferences just set your Division List to "Custom (Offline)", and then delete or rename the _Standard_.xml file located in Landfx/Details.

2 years ago
Thanks for the check box default fix! That will be a great help.

Agreed that the details that are being added are very helpful, but as with most other established companies, we have our own set of details that we've used for 10 to 15 years (if not longer). We've already updated and input most of those into our library. From time to time, we might refer to the F/X Details if we need something new. I'm not asking for those details to be taken away. Far from it. I was wondering if there was a way to toggle specific categories on/off or hide/unhide (not delete) from view in the Detail Manager. In this particular case, I'm just looking for a way to reduce the number of categories from which a user can choose - especially new users - so they won't be tempted to pick from details that have not been approved or updated to our company standards. As you mentioned, it is just a single division, so not a big deal if it's not possible, just a request.

And thanks for the Standards Details info. That's very helpful. If a toggle is not possible for the F/X Detail Library, maybe it could be a major category like Standard Details so it can be hidden via xml? Again, not sure if that's possible. Just a suggestion.

Absolutely appreciated about reducing change for error with new users.
But as it is, the FX category is added at the end of the list, and only takes up a single line. If we added a major level divider for it, it would end up taking up more space and be potentially more visually distracting. So I'd like to just put a pin in the idea for now, and see if there is any input from other users.

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