By Daniel Miller on Thursday, 25 January 2018
Posted in Planting
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We are getting strange results from the Auto generated plant codes. Instead of the expected results of codes made up of the first three letters of the genus and the first three letters of the species we are getting some codes consisting of the first three letters of the genus and the next three letters appear to be random excerpts from portions of the common name. Other times the species portion of the code has a number 2 at the end even though the standard letter code has not been used. Are these expected results?
Thanks for bringing this up. I'm checking in with my development team on the helper function that determines if a unique plant code is needed. I'm also getting the number 2 when it should be needed. I'll get back to you on this.

Typically, though, the default GEN SPE codes do sometimes pull from the common name. Every plant in the system pulls a different 6-letter plant code. Especially once you get into varieties, it'll start pulling from the varietal name, too.

As a workaround in the meantime, you can edit the plant code in the edit plant window to whatever you like. You can also save plants to templates, where you can maintain which code they pull and then import from that template instead of the New Plant tool.

6 years ago
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Daniel, were there any codes in particular that you felt were very strange? I'd like to look deeper into this issue. Let me know the botanical names of the plants with those strange codes.

6 years ago
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