By Steve Cook on Wednesday, 04 December 2019
Posted in Site & Hardscape
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Hi all,

We have created an elevation view of a stack wall so that we can show the planting and irrigation. The irrigation elements and the planting plans are in their respective model drawings. We have opened a viewport in paper sheet drawings to view the planting and irrigation improvements on the walls.

Question: How do we link a reference note, or a callout of some sort, in the planting and irrigation base files to the viewport that is in the paper sheet?

We want to avoid making a detail of it that will then reside in our library and not be maintained in our respective model files.

An obvious solution would be to add a reference note that would point to that sheet and fake in a callout. Unfortunately, Refnotes do not work with fields though, so if a sheet is added or removed the sheet refnote would be inaccurate.




I actually would say that your best option is to make a detail, but you don't have to include any actual linework in the detail.


Save a blank detail template with only the correct title of the elevation, and set to the size you want it to be in paper space. Save the detail, and place it on the sheet on top of your viewport and then you can place a detail callout on your other sheet. That's the best way for a dynamic callout in case you change the sheet number of that sheet where the elevation is, and the elevation stays with your plan in model space for easy edits.



4 years ago
1 Votes

I was afraid that you were going to say that. Where would you keep that detail? We couldn't think of an un-messy place to put it. So, we've decided to use a MText callout since we can use fields. It will now track the sheet that it's on.

4 years ago
0 Votes


I would keep that detail in a project-specific detail folder.

Mtext with fields also works. I'll make a mental note to include that in my future sheet set webinar.



4 years ago
0 Votes

Thanks Amanda. Is there a Power Tip that shows how to place a detail in the project folder only, not in our detail folder structure? That would seem to solve our issue. Do I save it to the detail folder structure, click the box to have it copied to our project and then delete it from our detail folder structure? It seems like a good solution. 

4 years ago
0 Votes

BTW, I enjoyed your latest Power Tip. Advanced Work Areas. I especially like the phrase "Perfected Precision" as in sending it to the spreadsheet.

4 years ago
0 Votes


Well yes, you could "copy to project" but that would suggest you have a project-specific folder in your detail explorer to begin with.

It's been a little while since I've seen your detail explorer in-person, so I'm now assuming you have no spot in your detail explorer for project-specific details at all since the fastest way to save it would be directly into a project-specific folder and bypass the copying step. You only have the FX folder and the CSI folders under "Standard"?

I'm still a huge advocate of a time and place for project-specific folders up in the "Details" section of the explorer, and common standard details down in the "Standard Details" section. Give project folders a try!


Without project-specific detail folders, the block and field is going to be your only good choice here.


Thanks about the Power Tip! I had fun with that one! I've been saving my blooper outtakes lately, and surprisingly "perfected precision" was golden on the first take! "Layer Sufffixes", on the other hand, was a struggle. Ask your coworkers to say that 5x fast!

4 years ago
0 Votes


I think that i know many of the pros and cons of project detail folders. I could be enticed, but it would take some convincing. Thanks for your input. I really like our CSI format that updates all of the details pointing to that detail (which I understand could have it's drawbacks in itself.) Plus, I like the confidence knowing that we're pulling the most up-to-date version of a detail. I like the ability to organize our folders the way that we want. LandFX makes that easy.

4 years ago
0 Votes

You can have both, Steve! Having the option of a spot to save project specific details doesn't mean you have to save all details there. Standard details can be added from the standard folder, while 1-time only project details can be saved in a project folder and added from there. 

4 years ago
0 Votes


You're treating me so good. With your prompting, we've set up a new folder under DETAILS. It's called PROJECTS and we'll locate project specific details here. In all these years, we've not needed this folder, and I hope that people don't start using it instead of creating another version of a standard detail which can be accessed by all. I must admit that this feels a lot like the old days when we used to say to each other "remember that such and such detail? What project did we use that on?". Those were dark days. Some of the engineers here are still using that method. Too bad. So sad.

4 years ago
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