Monday, 28 January 2019
  3 Replies
  1.6K Visits

Is there a way to use sheet set fields in the LandFX Project Manager (LFXPM)? When I right click on the LFX sheetnumber is not an option. Right now, every time that some discipline adds or subtracts a sheet we have to be aware of it and then make those modifications in the LFXPM. - Is there an easier way?

Currently, it will read in the SheetSet sheet number, and add it to the sheet list if necessary.

But it is not looking for a previous value to change, so the previous sheet numbers end up littering the list.

We have it on the wishlist, but the preliminary efforts came back with there not being enough SheetSet data available to do this (like a unique Sheet ID number or something).



Jer, The response was unclear, but this is what I took away from it: "We have it on the wishlist".

We'll continue to operate as we have until our wish is granted by the Grand Poobah!

Sorry, to be more clear:

This is currently on the wishlist, although after initial investigation it looks to be not possible to engineer.


We are looking to have a webinar on SheetSets, that should coincide with us looking into this further.



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