Add (Save) a PDF into the Detail System
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You have a PDF that you want to add to our detail system, or integrate into a detail. Either way, you'd like the PDF to be available as a detail in our Detail Manager that you can place in your drawings.
For example, you might want to create a detail of a specific manufacturer's product, but that manufacturer only provides PDFs of its products, rather than DWG details.
If you want to add a PDF to our detail system, you essentially have two options:
Option 1: Trace the PDF in CAD
It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to trace the linework of the PDF in a CAD drawing. This option would allow you to integrate the detail into your office standards in terms of linework, layer color, etc.
First, open a new drawing and attach the PDF as an Xref. Using the Xref as a guide, re-create the linework of the PDF using polylines, lines, arcs, etc.
Place a Detail Template around the newly drawing linework, and detach the Xref when finished. You can now save your new detail into our detail system.
Option 2: Add the PDF Directly to Our Detail System
No time to trace the PDF? You can also add it directly to our system by Xrefing it into a DWG.
1. Open a new drawing.

When Xrefing the PDF into your drawing, keep the following points in mind:
- Set the Xref Path Type to Full path.
- Keep the PDF stored in a folder that doesn't move. This will ensure that the PDF displays each time you place it in a drawing.
3. Scale the image to your needs.
4. Use the XCLIP command (type XCLIP in the Command line and press Enter), then clip the image to show just the part you want.
5. Place a Detail Template around the PDF.
6. Save your new detail into our detail system.