Pipe Labels
Quick video
Pipe labels show the diameters of the mainline and lateral pipes in your system designs. When you size your pipes, the labels will appear automatically.
Our Pipe Label tool gives you a bit more control over your pipe labels, should you need it. Use this tool to add labels manually where you think you need them, or to clean up a cluttered design by deleting or moving existing labels.
For more information and instructions on pipe sizing, see our pages on sizing lateral pipe and sizing mainline pipe.
Customizing Pipe Labels
Like other types of callouts in our software, pipe labels are customizable. For example, you can choose whether or not to include a lasso in each of your pipe labels – an option that's available in the Irrigation Preferences screen.

You can also open the source block files for our pipe labels and make several edits to their appearance, including:
- Font
- Lineweight
- Color
- Formatting of fractions (for example, you may prefer fractions with a horizontal fraction bar rather than a forward slash)
- Adding a background mask
For additional information and instructions for customizing your pipe labels, see our customizing pipe labels documentation.
Pipe Label Tool Overview
When you size a lateral line system using our Size Lateral Pipe tool, labels of the pipe size notations are automatically placed off to the side of pipes that are transitions from one size to another – as opposed to being placed on every single pipe length. Thus, the first and last pipe locations, or transitions, are the only pipes called out with a pipe size.
A few of the pipe labels that are placed automatically may conflict with other labels, the piping you draw, or other objects or linework in the background. You can easily move, delete, or add to these labels using our Pipe Label tool.
Access our Pipe Label tool:
F/X Irrigation ribbon, Pipe Label flyout
Or type PipeLabelCleanup in the Command line
F/X Irrigation menu, Pipe Label option
The cursor will turn into a pickbox, and the Command line will prompt you to Select Pipe, Label, Leader Arc, or Piped Equipment.
You can now:
- Select a pipe where you want to add a label, or
Select the number portion of an existing label you want to move or delete. You can then:
- Type D to delete the selected label, or
- Type R to remove the selected label's lasso (if it has one)
- Move the number portion of the selected label
- Move the selected label's arc leader (lasso) (if it has one)
Adding a Pipe Label
If you want to label a pipe that currently has no label, use the pickbox to select that pipe.

The pipe will now be labeled.
The example to the left shows a label with a lasso. You can also choose to exclude lassos from your pipe labels and just include the number representing the pipe size. See Customizing Pipe Labels above.
Deleting a Pipe Label
You can also use our Pipe Label tool to delete an existing label.
With the tool active, use the pickbox to select the number portion of the pipe label you want to delete. Then type D (for "delete").
The label will be deleted. If the label included an arc leader and lasso circle, those items will be deleted as well.
You can also delete a label by selecting its number, arc leader, and lasso circle, and then pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. However, a large amount of graphic information in the way can make this method more difficult. Using our Pipe Label tool will ensure that you're only deleting the pipe label.
Removing a Lasso from a Label
You might want to remove the lasso from a pipe label if the lasso is interfering with other objects in your drawing.
With the Pipe Label tool active, select the number portion of a label. Then type R (for "remove") to remove that label's lasso.
Moving a Label
To move a pipe label, use the pickbox to click the number portion of the label.
In this example, we'll move a label that's obscuring one of the heads and part of the lateral pipe in a design.
Move the number to a more desirable location, and click to place it.
If you're moving a number that doesn't have a leader arc (lasso), a leader arc will be added automatically. If you still don't want an arc leader, type R to remove it.
Labeling Pipe Sleeves
You can also use the Pipe Label tool to label pipe sleeves.
Select the sleeve you want to label. A Select Size dialog box will open, allowing you to set the size of the sleeve.
The current size of the sleeve will be selected by default. If you want to change the sleeve size, select a new size. Click OK when finished.

Click to place the label. The sleeve will be labeled.
Our pipe sleeve labels are now created uniquely from mainline callouts. Like our other pipe labels, pipe sleeve labels now include a text frame.