Show the Quantity and Square Feet or Meters for a Groundcover or Shrub Area in a Plant Schedule
You need to show the quantity and area (i.e., square feet or meters) of a Shrub Area or groundcover.
Option 1: Create separate schedules, then splice one into the other
1. With the Shrub Area or groundcover added to your project and placed in your drawing, create a Plant Schedule with the Quantity option selected for whichever plant types you want to show in the schedule.

3. Now create a full schedule with the Area option selected for just Shrub Areas and/or groundcovers.
4. Finally, use a viewport to splice the area column from the second schedule into the general schedule.
In this example, we've grabbed the area columns and all columns to the right of it, placing all these columns over the right portion of the general schedule. This allows the quantity and area columns to be next to each other.

Option 2: Use Concept Plants
1. Create a Shrub Area or groundcover using our Concept Plant Manager.
When creating this Concept Plant, make it similar to the plant whose area you'd like to show. For example, if you're planning to show the square footage of a Shrub Area consisting of ivy, create an Ivy or Hedera Shrub Area.

2. Place the Concept Shrub Area or groundcover in your drawing.
3. If you haven't done so already, add the same plant to your project as a palette plant.

4. Place a Plant Schedule, selecting the following options:
- Include Concept Plants
- By Group
- Area for the Shrub Areas or Ground Covers plant type
You can also choose to select the Spacing option if you want to show the plant spacing for your Shrub Areas or groundcovers.
Your schedule will show the area and (if you selected it) spacing for the Shrub Area or groundcover.