Plant Schedule is Slow to Generate the First Time
You tried to place a Plant Schedule, and although you may not have very many plants placed in the drawing, the schedule is taking an excessive amount of time to generate.
We've seen this issue occur with Land F/X projects based on a template with an especially vast species list. The first time you place a schedule when working in these projects, the Plant Manager needs to determine which plants are actually placed in the drawing vs. unplaced.
The second time you generate a schedule, the system will remember which plants are unplaced and go straight to counting only the placed plants. As a result, the schedule won't take as long to show up.
You can prevent this issue by avoiding basing new projects on templates that include massive numbers of plant species. In fact, we don't recommend basing projects on templates at all.
Instead, use the Import button in the Plant Manager to import only the species you need in this design. This method will help keep your Plant Manager tidy and concise.
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