Plant Color Missing in Bloom Schedule
You ran the Planting F/X Bloom Schedule, and a plant's color(s) are missing. Either:
- The species itself is entirely missing from the schedule, or...
- The species is listed in the schedule, but there's no color in the columns beside it.
Your solution will depend on whether:
- The species is missing from the list entirely.
- The species is in the schedule, but there's no color beside it.
The species is missing from the list entirely.
If the species is missing from the list, run a schedule with the Entire Palette option selected.
Is the species also missing from that schedule?
- Yes, the species is missing from the Entire Palette schedule.
- No, the species is not missing from the Entire Palette schedule

• Yes, the species is missing from the Entire Palette schedule.
If the species is missing in the Entire Palette schedule, this species is tagged as non-blooming for the Season of Bloom or tagged as inconspicuous flowers for Plant Traits in our data.
If you think this designation is an error, open the master plant database by clicking New in the Plant Manager.
Find that species again, select it, and click Data.

Open the Discussion tab, then click Log In to log in to the Land F/X Portal.

Add a comment asking for clarification about the non-blooming tag, and provide URL references to back up your position. Our staff horticulturalist will review and get back to you regarding your issue.
• No, the species is not missing from the Entire Palette schedule.
If you see the species in the Entire Palette schedule, the plant was not actually placed correctly to be picked up by your previous schedule. See our documentation on missing plants or quantities in a schedule.
The species is in the schedule, but there's no color beside it.
You may find that there is a color set, but the color is white (or off-white). If your CAD background is white, these colors will understandably not be visible.

In this example, the color is missing from a species in the schedule ...

... but is visible when the schedule is selected.
In this case, choose a background color for the schedule other that isn't white and that shows all your palette's colors well. Gray is typically good for this application.
Here is a good example of using a gray-tone background. (This example specifically uses Refnote Area color SCLR-A00 from our Site Color tool, or RGB value 210,217,210 – it gives a nice moss green-gray color that makes most flower colous look good.)

Coming soon: Background selection within the schedule dialog. For now Use our Site Color tool to place a rectangle of color behind the schedule block.
If you see the species listed in the schedule, but don't see a color beside it (and your CAD background color doesn't obscure the color in the schedule, as reference in the note above, select the plant in the Plant Manager and click Edit.
Then, in the Plant Info dialog box, click Data.

Make selections from the Season of Bloom menu to input all seasons that this species blooms, and from the Plant Colors menu to input all colors for this plant and what the color corresponds to (main flower color, accent flower color).

Also input other colors, such as leaf, fall, bark, and fruit colors, if applicable. Note that we introduced the color data feature after we'd already had 48,000 species in our database, so it will take time to fill in colors for all those species, along with all the new species we're adding every week. You can help speed this process up by taking one minute and inputting all the colors. You can use the information you input in your own schedules right away, and our horticulturalist will use that information and confirm it against trusted sources. You'll also benefit from colors already being filled out for thousands of species by other users and by our staff, creating a fuller database every single day. By filling out the color information other than flowers, you bring us closer to being able to create more color-based tools for other plant features.