Irrigation Manager
Quick video
- Irrigation Manager Overview
- Adding Equipment to Your Projects
- Editing Equipment
- Show Components
- Highlighting (Locating) Equipment in Your Drawing
- Undocking the Irrigation Manager
- Deleting Equipment
- Related Webinars
- Troubleshooting
The Irrigation Manager organizes and displays irrigation equipment and components, allows for adding or importing irrigation data, and controls the water source data and pipe type and data.
For information on customizing your irrigation settings, see our Irrigation Preferences documentation.
Irrigation Manager
Open the Irrigation Manager:

F/X Irrigation ribbon, Irrigation button

F/X Irrigation menu, Irrigation Manager option
or type ProjectIrrigation in the Command line
The Irrigation Manager will open.

1. Options for the four categories of equipment to add: Heads, Valves, Auxiliary Equipment, and Drip.
2. Pull-down menu to select the type of equipment for a category.
3. After adding equipment, check the Show Components box to list all options that have been added for any one type of equipment, such as all nozzles or sizes that were added that relate to that equipment.
4. Click these buttons to review the Source Data (information about your water source or point of connection), and the Pipe Data (information about the types of pipe that will be used for lateral and mainline pipe, as well as pipe sleeves).
5. Any equipment you add to your project will appear in a list in this pane. In this example, we have yet to add irrigation equipment to the project, and this pane is therefore blank.
6. Buttons to add New equipment to the project, Edit or Delete any highlighted equipment that has been added, and Import equipment from another project or template.
7. Replace a component in your drawing with a selected component.
8. Highlight each instance of the selected component in your drawing. If you have the Show Components option is checked, you can highlight only the selected size or nozzle.
9. Select a component, then click View Data to open a Web page and go to the manufacturer's literature on that equipment.
10. Select a component, then click Detail to set a detail to be associated with this component and automatically add that detail to your project's Detail Manager.
11. Place the selected equipment in your drawing.
12. Place an Irrigation Schedule.
Adding Equipment to Your Projects
For information on adding specific equipment types to your projects, see our documentation on adding:
Editing Equipment
Click Edit in the Irrigation Manager to edit data associated with a selected piece of equipment.

The Equipment Info dialog box will open.
Here, you can edit most of the data assigned to the selected equipment – except for the equipment Size.

Selecting an Equipment Size
Although you will be able to make a selection from the Size menu, the new size won't actually be applied to your equipment if you edit from the Irrigation Manager. (This is an unfortunate necessity of engineering this dialog box.) Instead, you have two options for selecting a new equipment size:
Selecting an Equipment Size, Option 1: Use the Specific Tool for the Selected Equipment
Depending on the type of equipment you are placing, use the appropriate tool for placing that equipment.

This can include:
- Spray heads
- Rotary heads
- Rotor heads
- Drip emitters and heads
- Auxiliary equipment
When you select one of these tools, a dialog box will open listing the equipment of that type.
There, you can select a size for the equipment before placing it.

Selecting an Equipment Size, Option 2: Check the Box to "Show Components"
You can also select an equipment size from directly within the Irrigation Manager by checking the box to Show Components.

As shown above, the various sizes of each component in the selected category (Heads, Valves, Auxiliary Equipment, or Drip) will populate in the list. You can then select a size and click Place to place that size of the selected equipment.
We purposely engineered this feature to not include all sizes of each piece of added equipment by default – mainly because it makes the list of added equipment inordinately long.
Show Components
The Irrigation Manager includes a Show Components option. If you check this option, the list of added equipment will also include all available options for each piece of equipment. These include possible nozzles, as well as any available sizes of each component.

As pictured above, checking the Show Components option results in an excessively long list of added equipment. (The example above shows the available components for just one piece of equipment.) Unless you absolutely need to see all available components, we recommend leaving this option unchecked.
Highlighting (Locating) Equipment in Your Drawing
The Irrigation Manager includes a Highlight button to help you find equipment easily in your drawing.
To highlight all instances of a specific component in your drawing, select the component in the Irrigation Manager, making sure the Show Components option is unchecked.
Then click Highlight.

All instances of the selected component will be highlighted in yellow in your drawing.
You can also choose to highlight only a certain size or nozzle for a specific component in your drawing.
Place a check in the Show Components box, and select the size or nozzle you want to locate. Then click Highlight.
All instances of that size or nozzle will be highlighted in your drawing.

Undocking the Irrigation Manager
The Irrigation Manager is a docked palette by default. To find out how to undock it, see our docking and undocking the Irrigaiton Manager and Schematic Irrigation / Circuiting palette documentation.
Deleting Equipment
To delete a component from your project, highlight it in the Irrigation Manager and click Delete.

Related Webinars
- Irrigation for Beginners: We'll show how to navigate through the Irrigation ribbon and build a familiarity with our conceptual-level tools. You'll also learn the basics of adding equipment to a project, placing, piping, sizing, and scheduling. (1 hr 45 min)
- Getting Started with Irrigation F/X: This tour and tutorial will help you make the most of everything Irrigation F/X has to offer. We start with the fundamentals, such as how to set up your projects and Preferences, before diving into our collection of time-saving irrigation design tools. (59 min)
- Start to Finish Basics of Irrigation Design: This webinar will help give you an understanding of how to specify the proper equipment, talk about important concepts of irrigation design, and create a complete irrigation plan from start to finish. (1 hr 31 min)
- Irrigation Tools – What You Need to Know: We'll show you the ins and outs of basic irrigation setup using our software. You'll also learn the essentials of placing equipment such as drip, sprays, and rotors. (1 hr 6 min)
- Irrigation Tips & Tricks: We'll show you some advanced tools you may or may not know about. You'll also learn techniques and best practices that will help speed up your workflow. (1 hr 3 min)
- Existing Irrigation: Learn the techniques, tools, and tricks you'll need to expand an existing system, including how to use a pipe cap to account for existing flow and add new valves to an existing mainline. (56 min)
- Advanced Irrigation Troubleshooting: Learn to think like a Land F/X irrigation troubleshooter. We'll show you why your symbols don't match, why you would see the message "Error accessing equipment data" (and how to fix these issues, as well as tips on pressure losses and precip rates, pipe caps, system monitors, and flow zones. (1 hr 3 min)
- Golf Course Irrigation: We'll demonstrate some of the great tools Irrigation F/X offers to help ensure proper mainline sizing and scheduling. We'll also discuss the use of using flow zones, shut-off valves, and valve-in-head rotors. (1 hr 4 min)
- Efficient Irrigation for Small Spaces: Chris Roesink from Hunter takes you through the challenges of and solutions to irrigating in restricted areas. (1 hr 8 min)
General Irrigation Equipment Troubleshooting
Issue: You need to specify (add) equipment that is not currently in our database
Issue: CAD is crashing when you try to access a manufacturer's equipment
Issue: Error accessing equipment data in the project
Issue: Wrong irrigation symbols coming in
Issue: When you place heads or other equipment, they are coming in at the wrong scale
Issue: After you select a piece of equipment, you don't see any options for selecting a symbol
Issue: Specify (add) equipment that is not currently in our database
Issue: Bad DXF group (10) error when placing irrigation equipment
Issue: You are unable to select a new symbol for a piece of irrigation equipment
Heads (Sprinklers) Troubleshooting
Question: Is there a good way to show that a particular spray head is on a riser in an irrigation plan?
Issue: When I pipe to a head, the "snap" point is wrong
Issue: One of my heads is coming in oversized. All others seem to be fine.
Issue: The letters or attributes of your heads (such as rotors) are not centered
Issue: When you place heads or other equipment, they are coming in at the wrong scale
Issue: You want to make the spray radius lines of your heads visible when you plot or plot preview
Issue: Several buttons in the Irrigation Manager are grayed out and inaccessible
Issue: You tried to change from turf spray to shrub spray, but the symbols are not changing
Valves Troubleshooting
Issue: A valve in my drawing has either no precipitation rate or too high of a precipitation rate
Question: Can I create a dummy valve and assign it a GPM?
Auxiliary Equipment Troubleshooting
Drip Equipment Troubleshooting
Issue: A drip area isn't reading plants in the Xref
Issue: A drip area isn't reading groundcovers
Issue: Polyline selected has arc segments – it must consist of only line segments
Issue: Remove or unassign a detail from irrigation equipment
Issue: Drip emitter areas in your drawing are showing the incorrect emitter quantity or flow rate
Issue: CAD crashes or freezes as soon as you open the Irrigation Manager
Issue: Error: Bad argument type: lentityp nil when attempting to edit or replace a rotor
Issue: You want to use Imperial valve sizes, but your drawing is set to metric units