Error Executing Data Request (Saving a DimStyle)
You tried to save a Dimension Style (DimStyle) and received an error message beginning with "Error executing data request ... ."
For example:
Error executing data request: ''','','','','','','','','','','0,4,0,0,0,0)' at line 1 insert into project data
Values('00000000000002','dimstyle;, imperial','str',',',',','",',''',',',',',',',
Different Error executing data request message?
It's possible to get one of several Error executing data request messages:
- Error executing data request: Data too long for column message that contains the text "data_code3"? Solution >
- Error executing data request: Data too long for column 'data_code' Solution
- Error executing data request: Data too long for column 'data_symbol' ... Solution
This error is the result of a forbidden character in the Prefix or Suffix field in the DimStyle's Alternate Units, such as an apostrophe.
1. Open the Dimension Style Manager by typing DimStyle in the Command line, or by clicking the Dimstyle button on the ACAD Manage ribbon.

3. Select the option to Display alternate units.
Look for text in the Prefix and Suffix fields. In our example, the Suffix field contains an apostrophe.
Delete any characters you see in either (or both) of these fields, and click OK.
You should now be able to save your DimStyle without getting the error.