Catalog File 'Support\AcFields.fdc' is Not Found (Opening AutoCAD or F/X CAD)
When attempting to open F/X CAD or AutoCAD, you received an error message similar to the following:
Catalog File 'Support\AcFields.fdc' is Not Found. (Opening AutoCAD or F/X CAD).
CAD may start as it would normally, but you might be missing items such as ribbons or toolbars, plot style tables, and plotter configuration (PC3) files.

Your AutoCAD profile has likely become corrupt, resulting in this error message.
1. Close CAD.
2. Navigate to the folder C:\Program Files\Autodesk\ AutoCAD 20xx\UserDataCache\Support (where 20xx is your year version of AutoCAD or F/X CAD).
Copy the files AcFields.fdc and Shapes.atc from this location.

You'll need to have hidden files and folders visible to navigate to this location.
Don't see one of these files in this location? Just copy the other one.
3. Navigate to the folder C:\Users\username*\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx**\Rxx.x***\language****\Support, and paste the copied files into this location.
*Your computer username.
**Your year version of AutoCAD or F/X CAD.
***This folder name will vary depending on your year version of CAD.
****Your language version of CAD (enu, or English United States, shown as an example).

4. Open CAD. Still getting the error? Move on to the next step.
5. Follow our steps to reset AutoCAD or F/X CAD to the defaults.
Open CAD again. Still getting the error? Move on to the next step.
6. Follow our steps to repair your CAD installation.
You should now be able to open CAD without seeing the error.
Still seeing the error?
- F/X CAD users: Send us a technical support ticket detailing your issue, and letting us know you attempted these steps.
- AutoCAD users: Contact Autodesk support.
See the official Autodesk solution to this issue for more information.