Legacy Area for Dripline Detected, Aborting Calculations. Please Update Dripline in Project (Editing an Area for Dripline)
You saw the following error message when editing or otherwise working with a dripline area (Area for Dripline) in your drawing:
Legacy area for dripline detected, aborting calculations. Please update dripline in project.

This message is the result of using extremely out-of-date dripline area equipment in a project. We've updated all dripline areas to include the dynamic row and emitter spacing option when editing that type of equipment. The dripline area in your drawing is likely an older one that lacks these cells and therefore cannot properly account for and calculate the proper flows to size the zones.

To address the error, you'll need to edit the dripline area from the Irrigation Manager and then follow our steps to replace the equipment in your project with either the same dripline equipment or your desired equipment.
You'll then likely need to place this new equipment in the same locations in your drawing where the out-of-date dripline areas had originally been placed and click Yes when asked whether you want to assign the polyline with the current object.