Groundcover and Shrub Area Container Sizes Have Disappeared After Updating
You started a new project and tried to edit a groundcover or Shrub Area, and most of the default Container/Rootball Sizes seem to have disappeared.

This issue is the result of a bug with Land F/X 11.21. This update mistakenly erased all default Shrub Area and groundcover container sizes except for one. You will only experience this issue if you start a new project.
1. Update Land F/X to the latest version.
2. Restore your Preference Set(s) from your latest backup. For example, if your Preference Set is named Imperial, look for a “_Preferences_Imperial.lfx” file in your Landfx/data/backup folders. You can then use the Restore feature, available in the Land F/X Projects dialog box, to restore this Preference Set.
If necessary, you can also re-create these container sizes relatively quickly by selecting Add New from the Container/Rootball Size menu.