Calculate a Total for All Planted Areas
Our software includes built-in calculation tools that automatically calculate areas and lengths in your drawings.
Looking for a way to calculate all planted areas in your drawing? Here's how >
Our Length Total tool measures the length of linear objects such as retaining walls or property lines. Our Area Total tool calculates groundcover, hatch, or even room area totals in either square footage or meters. When you design using our software, automatic calculation is quick and simple.
The Length Total tool quickly calculates lengths of lines on selected layers – an especially useful aide in calculating linear lengths for cost estimates or data compilation.
You can select previously drawn lines or even measure a line as you draw it on the fly. You can even select several lines at once for a length total of just that selection.
If you're trying to cross-check the total length of irrigation pipes in your schedule by using the Site Length Total tool, the numbers will be off slightly. In the Irrigation/Valve schedules, the system is calculating the pipe length as if each pipe is touching end to end, even though there will be a visible gap in the plan where the pipe is connected to a piece of equipment.
Because the Length Total tool will calculate lengths on a selected layer, pay attention to the way you name your layers. For example, the name of a layer containing turf header lengths can contain the word "Header," or a layer containing walls to be demolished can be named "Wall-Demo," etc.
Open the Length Total tool:

F/X Site ribbon, Length Total flyout

F/X Admin ribbon, Length Total flyout (Design F/X only)
Admin Setup toolbar

FX ADMIN toolbar

F/X Admin pull-down menu
or type LengthTotal in the Command line
The Command line will prompt you to: Select object on layer to calculate, and the cursor will turn into a pickbox.
Click an object (or several objects) on the layer where you want to calculate length.
The length total for the selected layer will be displayed in the Command line.
You'll also see the dialog box pictured to the right, which displays the layer name and the total length, in feet or meters, of objects on that layer.
The Area Total tool helps you make quick calculations of areas within polyline borders of selected layers. This can prove especially useful in calculating areas for cost estimates or data compilation.
Draw polylines around areas you want to calculate.
Because the Area Total tool will calculate areas on a selected layer, pay attention to the way you name your layers. For example, the name of a layer containing turf areas can contain the word "Turf," or a layer containing a building to be demolished can be named "Bldg Demo", etc.
Open the Area Total tool:

F/X Site ribbon, Area Total flyout

F/X Admin ribbon, Area Total flyout (Design F/X only)
Admin Setup toolbar

FX ADMIN toolbar

F/X Admin pull-down menu
or type AreaTotal in the Command line
The Command line will prompt you to: Select object on layer to calculate, and the cursor will turn into a pickbox.
Click an object on the layer containing polyline borders whose area you want you want to calculate.
The area total will be displayed in the Command line.
You'll also see the dialog box pictured to the right, which displays the layer name and the total area, in square feet or square meters, of objects on the selected layer.
Area Callouts and Slope Areas
Slope Areas work with our Slope Callout tool to apply a specific grade percentage or ratio to a closed polyline area in your drawing. Objects represented by any smart hatches within those closed polylines (Slope Areas) will have their quantity, volume, or area recalculated based on that slope percentage or ratio.
If you run Area Total in a drawing that includes one or more Slope Areas, the resulting area calculations will account for any closed polylines within Slope Areas.