Error Executing Data Request: Data Too Long for Column 'Data_Symbol' (Selecting a Plant or Other Block)
You received the following error message:
Error executing data request: Data too long for column 'data_symbol' ...

Different "Error executing data request" message?
It's possible to get one of several Error executing data request messages:
- Error executing data request: Data too long for column message that contains the text "data_code3"? If you saw this type of error message, here's what to do.
- Error executing data request:Data too long for column 'data_code' Here's what to do.
- Error executing data request message when saving a Dimension Style (DimStyle) Here's what to do.
This issue usually occurs when when you try to select a block (such as a plant symbol) whose name is excessively long. Our block selection dialog box can only fit a limited number of characters in the field that contains the block name. Further, having excessively long block names is a less-than-ideal CAD practice, as Land F/X allows you to swap out blocks and plants quite easily.
On rarer occasions, you might receive this error when attempting to add a piece of irrigation equipment in the Irrigation Manager.
The easiest workaround is to rename the plant symbols, giving them shorter names.
As an alternative, you can increase the size of the field in the database. Copy and paste the following text into the Command line exactly as it appears below:
(fx:increasefield "data_symbol" 50)
To prevent this error in the future, we recommend giving each of your custom blocks a somewhat generic name, letting Land F/X take care of data such as which species of plant is assigned to it. If the error occurred with one of our default blocks, please let us know and we'll correct it.