Label Trees and Shrubs with Different Callout Styles
You want to use different Plant Label styles for trees and shrubs in your plan.
1. Create one DWG file for your tree plan and a separate file for your shrub plan. Lay out your tree and shrub designs in these two separate files.
2. In your tree plan, label your trees with your normal callout style (or the style you want to apply to your tree labels).
In this example, we'll label the trees in our tree plan with the hexagonal label style.

3. Now open your shrub plan and call out one (and only one) shrub with that same style.
4. Type BEDIT in the Command line and press Enter to open the Block Editor.
5. In the Edit Block dialog box, select the plant label style, which will have the word LABEL in its style name.
Click OK.

6. Make your desired edits to the label style in the Block Editor. In our example, we'll change the hexagonal callout box to a square.

7. Expand the Open/Save menu on the left side of the Block Editor ribbon, and select Save Block As from the menu.
8. Select the name of the existing callout block.
Select the option to Save block definition to drawing file, then click OK to save the change.
Your changes to the callout block will only affect the label in this drawing (your shrub plan)– not the callout's source block.

9. Close the Block Editor.
10. The callout block will be redefined in the drawing with your new style applied.
You can now label your entire shrub plan, and the callouts will show up with your edited style.
Need to show your trees and shrubs together?
If you need to show your trees and shrubs together and/or list them all in a single schedule, you can Xref one plan into the other.

Applying your edited label style for future use
If you anticipate having to use different label styles for trees and shrubs in future designs, you can use our Save Block tool to save your edited callout block into the Discipline Graphics library and then use our Discipline Graphics tool to place it whenever you need it. Just make sure you name the saved block with the name of your usual callout style (that is, the callout block name you saw in the Block Editor.