Stipple Hatch Does Not Fill Area Properly
You're trying to place a Stipple hatch pattern, but it's not filling the polyline area correctly.
In this example, the planting area on the right had its hatch array outward rather than correctly within the area.

This issue is generally the result of an issue with how the polyline area was drawn, which is causing the system to place the hatch outward from the boundary line rather than inward. You can usually resolve this issue by reversing the polyline.
In the example above, the hatch area is also problematic because it onlu consists of two vertices, and therefore only has two arc edges. As a result, the system is unable to determine whether it was meant to be read clockwise or counterclockwise, which can also cause this issue with stipple hatch.
First, check whether the hatch area only consists of two vertices, as in the example above. If so, redraw the area so it consists of three or more vertices.
If the hatch area includes more than two vertices, or if you added a vertex and it's still hatching incorrectly, you can simply reverse the polyline so the system can look for the proper side of the closed polyline to fill.
Before reversing the polyline, delete all the stipple from the problematic area.

Select the polyline boundary, then right-click.
In the menu that opens, hover the cursor on the Polyline option, then select Reverse from the submenu that opens.
You should now be able to place a Stipple hatch and have it polulate the area correctly.