Unable to See Hatches or Colorized Plants When Viewing 3D Within AutoCAD
In a planting plan created in a version of CAD that uses 3D modeling (standard AutoCAD or Civil 3D, for example, but not F/X CAD), you are unable to see hatches.
Or you used our Color Render tool to colorize your planting plan but are unable to see the colorized plant symbols.
You most likely have a Visual Styles setting that's interfering with your ability to see colorized plants or hatches.
F/X CAD users:
Export your drawing to a DFX, and it will automatically set the visual style back to wireframe, correcting the issue.
AutoCAD (not F/X CAD) users:
Open the View ribbon, and set the Visual Styles menu to 2D Wireframe, as pictured below.

You should now be able to see your hatches and/or colorized plants.