Advanced Local Data Administration
January 15, 2021
Presented by: Mike Bennett
Whether you're a full-time IT admin or are simply stepping up to help figure out your office's network situation, running Land F/X on Local Data can present some specific challenges. Specifically, you'll find that a few components running in the background are crucial for the plugin's proper operation. We'll go over some common failure points and give you the tools to resolve them and get all your Land F/X users up and running. We'll also go over how to migrate to and from a Single-User Local Data install.
Webinar Contents:
Note: The following catalog of content covered in this webinar is time stamped to allow you to follow along or skip to sections of the video that are relevant to your questions. You can also search for content on this page using the FIND command in your browser (CTRL + F in Windows, Command + F in Mac OS.)
- Intro/TOC
- What is Local Data?
- Multi-User Local Data
- Single-User Local Data
- Cloud Data
- Migrating Local Data Installs
0:00 – 4:27: Intro/TOC
4:28 – 5:32: What is Local Data?
- Simply put, Local Data means some data is kept on the user's end.
- Land F/X Local Data refers specifically to the database – i.e., Land F/X projects, templates, and Preferences.
- We are not referring to DWGs or similar files when discussing Local or Cloud Data.
5:33 – 41:07: Multi-User Loca Datal
- Multi-User Local Data Requirements (5:47)
- Host system or server
- Database file
- MySQL Server application
- MySQL ODBC connector application
- MySQL service running
- MySQL Port Firewall Exception
- Supports multiple-user access
Errors you may run into with MySQL, and how to correct them (6:40)
Error connecting to Land F/X database or Fatal Exit no database connection (9:35)
- MySQL port blocked
- MySQL connector misconfigured or not installed
- MySQL service not running
MySQL database connection refused (17:11)
- Damaged database
- Power outages or improper server shutdowns
MySQL service stops while installing MySQL (27:08)
- Files required y MySQL not accessible or able to be edited
- Registry conflicts
Error writing my.ini file during Land F/X plugin installation (33:20)
- Permission errors on directories or files used by MySQL
- Can be very persistent sometimes
41:08 – 49:16: Single-User Local Data
Single-User Local Data requirements (41:21)
- Host system
- 1 SQLite DLL file
- Database file
Errors you may run into with SQLite (42:20)
Error connecting to Land F/X database (42:57)
- SQLite dll missing
Unable to connect to Land F/X database on this computer (45:35)
- No write access to SQLite database file
49:17 – 50:54: Cloud Data
Cloud Data requirements (49:23)
- Host system
- Internet connection
- Supports multiple-user simultaneous access
50:55 – end: Migrating Local Data Installs
Considerations when migrating Local Data installations (51:14)
- Which one do you have? (Multi-User Local Data/MySQL, Single-User Local Data/SQLite, or very old Single-User Local Data/MySQL)
- Which one will you have is you reinstall?
- Caveats moving between them?