Create a Windows Firewall Exception
You need to add a Windows Firewall exception for MySQL, Land F/X, and/or AutoCAD or F/X CAD.
- Add a firewall exception for MySQL and Land F/X (Port 3306)
- Add a firewall exception for AutoCAD or F/X CAD
The Land F/X Server installer attempts to create an exception for the Windows Firewall automatically, which is necessary for our software to function correctly. You may need to add an exception manually if the installer is unable to create an exception.
If you’re using a third-party firewall (such as McAfee or Blue Coat), you’ll need to complete an exception from within your third-party firewall software.
Create a Firewall Exception for MySQL and Land F/X (Port 3306)
1. Open the Control Panel, and select the Windows Firewall option.

2. Select the Advanced Settings option from the left pane.

3. Select the Inbound Rules option from the left pane. Select the New Rule option in the right pane.

4. In the Rule Type screen, select the Port option. Then click Next.

5. In the Protocol and Ports screen, select the Specific Local Ports option. Type 3306 in the text field, then click Next.

6. In the Action screen, select the Allow the Connection option, then click Next.

7. In the Profile screen, verify that all three boxes (Domain, Private, and Public) are checked. Then click Next.

8. In the Name screen, type a name for the exception rule you just created (example: landfx mysql). Then click Finish.

The Inbound Rules list will now include the exception rule you just created.

You should now be able to use Land F/X successfully.
Add a Firewall Exception for AutoCAD or F/X CAD
1. Open the Control Panel, and click Windows Firewall.

2. Select Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall in the left pane of the Windows Firewall dialog box.

3. Check the list of Allowed apps and features. If you don't see an entry for AutoCAD, click Allow another app.

4. In the Add an app dialog box, click Browse.

5. Browse to the folder C:/Program Files/Autodesk, then open the folder for the Autodesk product you need to install (example: AutoCAD 2023). Select the file acad.exe in that folder, then click Open.

6. You should now see an AutoCAD Application entry in the list of apps in the Add an app dialog box. Click Add.

7. Back in the Allowed apps dialog box, you should now see an AutoCAD application entry. Click OK.

You've successfully added a Windows Firewall exception for AutoCAD or F/X CAD.