View the Full Text Formatting Toolbar for Multiline Attributes
You want to format a multiline attribute from the Quick Properties panel using the Text Formatting toolbar, but you are only able to open an abbreviated Text Formatting toolbar.
You want to use this toolbar ...

... but you are only seeing the smaller toolbar pictured to the right when you try to edit the attribute.

Because attributes' main purpose is to extract data, AutoCAD provides limited options for formatting them by default.
1. Type MTEXTTOOLBAR in the Command line and press Enter.
2. When prompted to enter a value, type 2 and press Enter again.
3. Type ATTIPE in the Command line and press Enter.
4. When prompted to enter a value, type 1 and press Enter again.
ATTIPE system variable values:
- 0: Opens the smaller Text Formatting toolbar when you format attribute text using the Quick Properties
- 1: Opens the full Text Formatting toolbar when you format attribute text using the Quick Properties