Script Error: An Error Has Occurred in the Script of This Page
You saw a Script Error: An error has occurred in the script on this page message when using our software.
A Script Error is a common Windows error resulting from, as the name implies, an issue with the script of a Web page a software function is trying to access. The cause and solution for the particular error you're seeing will depend on the action you were trying to complete within the software when you saw the error. You can also check the Error: line of the message you're seeing, although the same script error message can result from varying actions and have varying causes and solutions.
Here are some examples we've seen of Script Error messages encountered by users of our software, along with the action that can lead to the error:

Object doesn't support property or method 'forEach' (as seen when trying to use our Photo Callout tool)

'jQuery is undefined' (as seen when opening F/X CAD or AutoCAD)

'jQuery is undefined' (as seen when activating F/X CAD or using one of the Land F/X tools)
Step 1: Run the latest Land F/X update.
As mentioned above, your solution will often depend on what you were trying to do when you saw the error. However, your first course of action when encountering this error should be to run the latest Land F/X update.
Still seeing a Script Error message after running the latest Land F/X update? Move on to the next step.
Step 2 (if necessary): Download & run the latest F/X Workstation installer.
2A. Close CAD.
2B. Download and run our latest F/X Workstation installer.
2C. Open CAD and attempt the action that caused the error. If you don't see the error, you've resolved the issue.
Still seeing a Script Error message after running our latest F/X Workstation installer? Move on to the next step.
Step 3(if necessary): Address a specific Script Error.
If the latest F/X Workstation didn't resolve your issue, you'll need to do do some more troubleshooting based on which action you attempted within CAD when you saw the error. Here are the instances we've seen when users have encountered this error:
You saw an error message beginning with Script Error: An error has occurred in the script of this page when opening or otherwise using our License Manager.
This error may also include the following: Error: 'jQuery' is undefined.

An Internet Explorer security setting is preventing the License Manager from functioning correctly.
1. Follow our steps to reset Internet Explorer to the default security setting.
Take care to restart Internet Explorer after completing the reset.
2.Restart CAD.
You should now be able to use the License Manager without seeing the error.
You saw an error message similar to the following when trying to use our Photo Callout tool:
An error has occurred in the script on this page. Line: 31 Char: 17 Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'forEach' Code: 0 URL: ...


This error can pop up if you click one of the links along the top of the View Photos dialog box (Web, Image, Video, News, etc.). It's an indicator of a Yahoo search compatibility issue with the embedded browser.
Rather than simply clicking one of the links along the top of the dialog box right-click the link for the type of search you want to carry out. Then select Open in new window from the menu that opens.
For example, if you want to do a Web search, right-click the Web link, then select Open in new window from the menu.
Your search should open in a new window without causing the error.

You saw the following script error message when opening F/X CAD or AutoCAD:
An error has occurred in the script on this page.
The error might also include the following text: 'xmsgProductLanguage' is undefined.

This error can have several possible causes, but we've seen it when users attempt to open AutoCAD or F/X CAD via a shortcut on their desktop (or in another location). The error can result from a problem with the path to that shortcut.
Are you also seeing a blank Autodesk Licensing dialog box with the error when launching F/X CAD?
If so, here's what to do.

1. Open the folder C:/Program Files/Autodesk/AutoCAD 20XX (where 20XX is your year version of AutoCAD or F/X CAD).
Run (double-click) the file acad.exe in this location. This step should fix the path to the shortcut and open CAD successfully.
2. If CAD opened without generating the error, create a new shortcut for AutoCAD or F/X CAD by right-clicking the file acad.exe and selecting Create a shortcut.
Save the shortcut to the location of your choice, and delete the original shortcut.
Still getting a script error? Move on to the next step.
3. We've seen this error with F/X CAD installations that haven't been activated. Follow our steps to activate F/X CAD (if you haven't done so already).
Still getting the error? Or are you positive that you've activated F/X CAD? See the official Autodesk article about this issue for additional solutions.
Are you also seeing a blank Autodesk Licensing dialog box when launching F/X CAD?
If so, read on for the solution.

When the Product License Activation dialog box pops up, click Repair.
You will likely have to reactivate F/X CAD after running the Repair utility. However, the escript error should be corrected once you've reactivated.
Until you've received and entered an Activation Code from Autodesk, you have two possible workarounds:
Workaround 1:
When launching F/X CAD using the desktop shortcut, click Yes in any Script Error dialog box that pops up.

When the blank Autodesk Licensing dialog box pops up, right-click its item in the Task Bar and click Close.
The Product License Activation dialog box will pop up. Click Run.
Repeat this workaround each time you launch F/X CAD until you've enetered a new Activation Code.

Workaround 2:
You can also choose to launch F/X CAD by navigating to the installation directory (the default is C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx, where 20XX is your year version of AutoCAD or F/X CAD).
Run (double-click) the file acad.exe in this location to launch F/X CAD. No errors should be generated.
Repeat this workaround each time you launch F/X CAD until you've enetered a new Activation Code and your license has been repaired. Aftter that point, you can go back to launching F/X CAD from the desktop shortcut.
You saw the following error message:
Script Error: An error has occurred in the script on this page.
You might have seen this error when:
- Activating F/X CAD
- Trying to use one of the Land F/X tools

An Internet Explorer (IE) script error is preventing you from either activating F/X CAD or accessing the Land F/X database. We've often seen this error as the result of an outdated installation of Internet Explorer.
If you saw this error while trying to send an F/X CAD activation request, close the error and the activation window, then email your Request Code to as a backup.
We've seen this issue resolved with an update of Internet Explorer, which is built into the Windows Updates.
Even if you have Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge, you'll still need to update Internet Explorer to resolve this issue.
The Internet Explorer updates are built into the Windows Update. Follow our steps to run the Windows Update to ensure that IE is up to date.
Restart CAD. You should be able to work or activate F/X CAD without seeing the script error.